Spot The Difference: Kanji - What your badge says: Can you spot the six differences bewteen these two Karate-Ka?
Also, ask your instructor what does Karate-Ka mean? Karate Quiz No.1 (answers to follow): Try and complete the quiz below, see how much you know about Karate. Karate is usually taught using the original Japanese terms, and that includes counting in Japanese. The second syllable is slightly suppressed, so "Ichi" becomes phonetically more like "itch!" and "Roku" sounds more like "Rokk". Try speaking these out loud and ask your parents to help. Number: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Japanese: Ichi Ni San Shi Go Roku Shichi Hachi Ku Ju Pronunciation: Itch Knee San She Go Rokk Sheesh Hatch Koo Ju
This is a portion of the website dedicated to the Children of the association. There are quizzes, technique exercises, homework while you are away from the Dojo and some games. They are entertaining, but most of all will improve your Karate skills and knowledge.
Counting in Japanese: Sincerity...
Self Control...
Kidz Zone
Above is the Japanese Kanji (Graphical lettering) that appears on you Karate badge. Do you know what it says? It says:- Shito-Ryu Shukokai It refers to the Shito-Ryu Shukokai Karate-Do Union of which you are a member!!!