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Y.S.S.K.W.U. UK News, Announcements and Updates


January 2023: - 25th Anniversary year (1998 - 2023)

The Yamada-ha Shito-ryu Shukokai Karate-do World Union (UK) (formerly the Shito-ryu Shukokai Union UK) are celebrating their 25th year.

"It's 25 years since we broke away in order to form a group to align ourselves with the Shukokai in Japan
under the leadership of Haruyoshi Yamada (successor of the founder of Shukokai - Chojiro Tani) in 1998

We travelled to Japan and was accepted into the Shito-ryu Shukokai World Union
by Haruyoshi Yamada in 1999"

Denis Casey

Click to view larger

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10th April 2022: - The Yamada-ha Shito-ryu Shukokai Karate-do World Union (UK) Dan Grading Panel.

Click the photo to see larger

“244 Years of Experience”

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25th January 2022: - The first Open/Instructors course for 2022 - A success...

What a start to the year with a great turn out for the first Open/Instructors Course at Stretford Sports Village, in Manchester. 75 association members attended a packed day full of technique insight, Kata basics and a few secrets too, all expertly delivered by Denis Casey Sensei.

A wide range of members from the clubs across the England and Wales. A 4 hour course rich with Kata, Kihon and a couple of Special Presentations, along with all the Dan Graders from 2021. I'm sure all who attended enjoyed this first of 6 Open Courses.

More photos to be added tomorrow.

Please share this post with anyone who you know was there.

Many Thanks

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28th April 2020: - The sad passing of Sensei Yoshinao Nanbu

It is with great sadness that I have to report the death of Yoshinao Nanbu sensei.

A great Karateka and pioneer of SHUKOKAI karate in Europe . I have spent sometime training under him in the past and had the pleasure of meeting with him and chatting about his life in Karate and the martial arts, I found him to be an absolute gentleman.

He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

Deepest condolences to his family and students of Nanbudo.

Another great passes over RIP sensei.

Denis Casey Sensei

Yoshinao Nanbu (1943-2020)


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2nd February 2020: - AGM (icluding NEW appointments)

Big congratulations to Steve Buckley for being appointed YSSKWU UK Chief Referee and also Andrew Wilson for being voted in as an Exec member.

Further, the NEW Member's Handbook & Grading Syllabus 2020 went down very well. They are available NOW from your Club Instructor and at any of the Open Courses and the National Competition this July.

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15th December 2019: - Dan Grading

Big congratulations go to all that successfully passed their Dan grade on Sunday in Manchester, a lot of hard work has paid off.

Names to follow..

Very well done to all. 

See link below for some photos on the Altrincham Karate Academy website.

Click HERE

Many Thanks
SSU UK Exec.

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4th December 2019: - NEW Calendar added for 2020.

Highlights Include:



See Calendar page for more...

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7th July 2019: - Additions to Calendar for 2019 and 2020.



See Calendar page for more...

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12th May 2019: - Dan Grading

Big congratulations go to all that successfully passed their Dan grade on Sunday in Stretford, Manchester, a lot of hard work has paid off.

Cadet  Shodan:
Joseph Pollard
Gwen Isaac
Lowri Lewis
Jack Halliday
Megan Burns
Maryam Chaudhary
Katelyn Burns
Oscar Payne

Tony Wright
Ravinthiran Thirunavukkarasu
Richard Clapperton

Josh Foden
Steve Brereton

Steve Buckley
Sion Williams

Very well done to all. 

See link below for some photos on the Altrincham Karate Academy website.

Many Thanks
SSU UK Exec.

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16th Dec 2018: - Dan Grading

Big congratulations go to all that successfully passed their Dan grade today, a lot of hard work has paid off today.

Names to follow...

Very well done all

Click on photos to view larger



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7th January 2018:

It is with great sadness and sorrow that we announce that today, Sunday the 7th of January 2018, we received the tragic and most unfortunate news of the passing of our Soke, Yamada Haruyoshi sensei. His funeral will take place in Amagasaki Tenrei Kaikan on Wednesday the 10th of January at 10:00 o ‘clock in the morning.

On the 9th of January, there will be a lyke-wake (pre-funeral) held at 19:00 at Tenrei Kaikan Amagasaki again.

There will be a memorial held in Amagasaki city on the 24th of March from 18:00 at Hotel New Archaic.

We are all very grateful to have know him, to have trained with him and to be parts of this great, worldwide karate family that he has established. Yamada sensei will be greatly missed. May he rest in peace.


"It is with deep regret and sorrow that I have to inform you of the Death of Soke Haruyoshi Yamada.

He was a good man, a fair and honest man, a humble man with a vast amount of knowledge regarding Karate, and the martial arts, and his generosity knew no bounds.

He will be sadly missed by his family, students and friends and the karate world in general.

On a personal note, I have lots of happy memories of my time spent with him in Japan and on his travels around the world , I will miss his teaching but also his sense of hummer he liked to have a laugh and a joke he was fun to be with, and I will miss him in all respects.

When he succeeded Tani sensei as the head of The Shukokai, his ambition was to rebuild Shukokai outside of Japan, He achieved that ambition and has left a strong legacy for us to continue to build on in the future.

Thank you Yamada sensei RIP."

Denis Casey Sensei



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12th Dec 2017: - Dan Grading (Sunday 10th Dec 2017)

Big congratulations go to all that successfully passed their Dan grade today, a lot of hard work has paid off today.

- 3rd Dan (Sandan):-
Scott Clark.

- 2nd Dan Cadet (Nidan):-
Callum Byrne & Alex Miles.

- 2nd Dan (Nidan):-
John Kilmartin.

- 1st Dan Cadet (Shodan):-
Aiyush Gupta, Sam Parkin, Heath Parry-Thorpe, Nikita Ramteke, Nial Small, Jack David Crabtree, Timeo Pochin.

- 1st Dan (Shodan):-
James Hagerty, Brett Thompson, Tony Hagerty & Arran Waugh

Very well done all

Click on photos to view larger

For more photos see Sensei Casey's website (Altrincham Karate Academy) on this link here.


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4th December 2017: - ** 20th Anniversary Celebrations**

Dear Representatives, members, friends and colleagues.

On January 11th 1998 we lost the head and founder of the Shukokai Karate Union
Chojiro Tani Soke.

On the 28th May 1998 a Shukokai General meeting was held resulting in the inauguration of The Shito-Ryu Shukokai Karate-Do Union as the official successor to Tani sensei's original Shukokai, with Yamada Haruyoshi Hanshi officially succeeding Tani sensei as its Head.

In 1999 Yamada Soke and I started the Shito-ryu Shukokai Karate-do Union Europe.
Time has passed so quickly and we will soon be celebrating the 20th Anniversary of our international Organisation.

Our world organisation continues to grow and has currently approximately 10,000 members in 19 countries.

We have a good relationship around the world with all our members and I believe this is the result of all your cooperation, efforts and most of all unity.

On the 15th March we will also be celebrating the land mark birthday of our leader Haruyoshi Yamada Soke. He will be 80 Years young!!!!

I am hoping that all of our unions representatives together with any of your students who wish to attend, will be here in Japan to help us celebrate these two very auspicious occasions.

The 20th Anniversary of Yamada Ha Shito-ryu Shukokai Karate Do World Union will be held from the 20th March 2018, seminars, gradings and Yamada Ha Shito-Ryu  Shukokai Gishinnkan cup. Together with other activities and celebrations.

As you can understand this will take a lot of organising so I would be most grateful if you could please let me know if you will be attending (Yes or No) as soon as possible.

Thank you for your valued support.
Tsutomu Kamohara

Please note that on the 15 March 2016 the name of our union
(The Shito-Ryu Shukokai Karate-Do world union) was officially registered under Japanese law and is now the subject of copyright.

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20th November 2017: - ** Important Information about International Dan Gradings**

** Below are the fees associated with taking a Dan Grade whilst in Japan under Yamada Sensei**

Below are the fees that our members have to pay to the Union if they wish to take their Dan Grade.

The dan grading fee to be made up of 2 payments:

1. Application fee – (non-refundable)

2. Certificate fee – (refunded if unsuccessful)

1st Dan

€70 - £62 - ¥9,241

€50 - £44 - ¥6,600

2nd Dan

€70 - £62 - ¥9,241

€85 - £75 - ¥11,222

3rd Dan

€70 - £62 - ¥9,241

€120 - £106 - ¥15,842

4th Dan

€70 - £62 - ¥9,241

€140 - £124 - ¥18,482

5th Dan

€70 - £62 - ¥9,241

€210 - £186 - ¥27,730

6th Dan

€70 - £62 - ¥9,241

€280 - £248 - ¥36,974

7th Dan

€70 - £62 - ¥9,241

€350 - £310 - ¥46,218

Note: Please be aware that actual amounts may vary according to the exchange rate at the time. It is most probable that you must pay Yamada Sensei in Yen on the Dan Grade event.

The Dan gradings that take place in Japan are strictly upon invitation only and any UK member must seek permission from Denis Casey Sensei in the first instance. Applications must be made 6 months in advance and a formal written presentation must be created and sent over to Japan 3 months prior to the date of the Dan grade in question.

If any further clarification is needed please speak directly to Denis Casey Sensei.

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12th November 2017: - ** NEW Portrait Photos**

** We have produced some new instructor and Dan grade portraits for this website. Check out the Instructors page**

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8th November 2017: - ** SSUU UK National Championships 2017**


Please use this link to see the photos from the Competition

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6th October 2017: - ** SSUU UK National Championships 2017**


Kumite Gold
Sam Parkin (Huddersfield)
Callum Sitford (Openshaw)
Oscar Payne (Nakashi)
Yousef Attya (Openshaw)
Jack Halliday (Aka Ryuu Conwy)
Joe Sitford (Openshaw)
Erin Joyce (Kenny Karate)
Finnion Farrell (Nakashi)
Autumn Holmes (Kenny Karate)
Natasha Holmes (Kenny Karate)
Freddie Otto (Huddersfield)
Lynsey Robinette (Matsumura)
Marco Wong (Aka Ryuu Conwy)
Joe Thompson (Nakashi)
John Carr (Nakashi)


Kumite Silver
Zara Bertenshaw (Nakashi)
Phoenix Galbraith-Williams (Llanrwst)
Kyran Burns (Openshaw)
Janae King (Huddersfield)
Joe Pollard (Aka Ryuu Conwy)
Charlie Brown (Nakashi)
Farrah Connor (Kenny Karate)
Callum Byrne (Nakashi)
Sadie Edwards (Aka Ryuu Bethesda)
Ffion Parry (Aka Ryuu Bethesda)
Dave Percy (Aka Ryuu Bethesda)
Aga Przybylko (Llanrwst)
James Hagerty (Aka Ryuu Conwy)
Jamie Shemeld (Kenny Karate)
Andy Plumb (Aka Ryuu)


Kumite Bronze
Danny Chen (Openshaw)
Catherine Oliver-Eastwood (Llanrwst)
Cathryn Russell (Kenny Karate)
Derek Chen (Openshaw)
Abigail Oliver-Eastwood (Llanrwst)
Amy Wild (Huddersfield)
Lewis Heap-Williams (Llanrwst)
Lucas Prior (Nakashi)
Owen Vaughan-Jones (Aka Ryuu Conwy)
Heath Parry-Thorpe (Llanrwst)
Sam Parkin (Nakashi)
Harvey Payne (Nakashi)
Maiya Clark (Huddersfield)
Miya Burke (Kenny Karate)
Ben Oliver (Llanrwst)
Terach Nabasem (Huddersfield)
Megan Smith (Kenny Karate)
Mariya Akhtar (Kenny Karate)
Lucy Thomas (Aka Ryuu Conwy)
Stephen Jolly (Shoshin)
Timeo Pochin (Huddersfield)
Brett Thompson (Hull)
Andy Garmston (Hull
Sion Williams (Llanrwst)
Andy Garmston (Hull)
Freddie Otto (Huddersfield)

Team Kumite Gold
Llanrwst A
Kenny Karate

Team Kumite Silver
Llanrwst B
Nakashi A
Aka Ryuu

Shobu Ippon Gold
Joe Thompson (Nakashi)

Shobu Ippon Silver
Sion Williams (Llanrwst)

Shobu Ippon Bronze
Brett Thompson (Hull)
John Carr (Nakashi)


Kata Gold
Harri Lloyd (Llanrwst)
Sam Deakin (Huddersfield)
Oscar Payne (Nakashi)
Janae King (Huddersfield)
Toby Wrigley (Kenny Karate)
Pam Kaur (Openshaw)
Ben Oliver (Llanrwst)
Sadie Edwards (Aka Ryuu Bethesda)
Kathryn Edwards (Matsumura)
Stephen Jolly (Shoshin)
Brett Thompson (Hull)
Becky Hartshorn (Aka Ryuu)
Marco Wong (Aka Ryuu)
Lynsey Robinette (Matsumura)
John Carr (Nakashi)


Kata Silver
Robin Lloyd (Llanrwst)
Catherine Oliver-Eastwood (Llanrwst)
Abigail Oliver-Eastwood (Llanrwst)
Lewis Heap-Williams (Llanrwst)
Amid Jawad (Kenny Karate)
Miya Burke (Kenny Karate)
Lowri Lewis (Aka Ryuu Conwy)
Erin Joyce (Kenny Karate)
Matthew Tommis (Bangor)
Mariyah Akhtar (Kenny)
Rhonda McCarthy (Llanrwst)
Dave Percy (Aka Ryuu Bethesda)
Timeo Pochin (Huddersfield)
Rosy Whittle (Kenny Karate)
Merfyn Jones (Llanrwst)
Tracy Hartshorn (Aka Ryuu)
Andy Plumb (Aka Ryuu)


Kata Bronze
Julia Zuber (Llanrwst)
Klaudia Zuber (Llanrwst)
Phoenix Galbraith-Williams (Llanrwst)
Cathryn Russell (Kenny Karate)
Grace Byrne (Llanrwst)
Maddie Edwards (Aka Ryuu Bethesda)
Lucas Prior (Nakashi)
Christopher Benny (Nakashi)
Charlie Brown (Nakashi)
Josh Robinson (Nakashi)
Callum Byrne (Nakashi)
Finnion Farrell (Nakashi)
Autumn Holmes (Kenny Karate)
Geneva Henson (Aka Ryuu Conwy)
Becky Davidson-Lloyd (Matsumura)
Bethan Jones (Llanrwst)
Natasha Holmes (Kenny Karate)
Sion Williams (Llanrwst)
Andy Garmston (Hull)
Aga Przybylko (Llanrwst)
Dylan Williams (Matsumura)
Merfyn Jones (Llanrwst)


Team Kata Gold
Aka Ryuu

Team Kata Bronze

Pairs Kata Gold
Aka Ryuu
Kenny karate B
Llanrwst A


Pairs Kata Silver
Llanrwst A
Kenny Karate A
Llanrwst B

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1st October 2017: - ** SSUU UK National Championships 2017**

Well what an eventful day. The SSU UK National Karate Championships 2017 was a very successful event with many medals being won by many clubs including our visitors for the day Kenny Karate from Oldham. Photos and winners names to follow and possibly a piece in the new Ippon magazine... more to follow on that one. 

I'm sure everybody and a great day and those that took home a medal were pleased with their perfomance. Great to see such a high standard in the Kumite and the kata, both from the kids and adults alike. 

On to next year for more of the same. Many thanks to all that put in such hard work in the planning and running of the 2017 SSU UK Championships.

See you all next week for the last Open Course of the year, along with NEW instructor Portraits being taken too. Any Dan grades 18 years and above need to be there to have their photo taken while we have the equipment. 

Many Thanks

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20th Sept 2017: - ** OFFICIAL LAUCNH**

The Official Launch of Altrincham Karate Academy Website

I am very proud to officially launch the Altrincham Karate Academy website on behalf of Denis Casey Sensei.

Sensei Casey and myself have been working for some time now to get this website up and running and up to a standard that we are pleased with and proud of. It reflects the philosophy of the SSU association and Denis’s 3 clubs. There are many pages with plenty of content to check out, with more to come.

Would you please have a quick look when you have a moment, a bit of feedback would be welcome too.

The web address is;

If any members or the SSU UK - or anyone else for that matter - would like a website based on the WordPress platform, this is what I do. I am a freelance Web & Graphic Designer, I own Cristelin Designs. I have very competitive prices and can create whatever you want, big or small.

Please be aware that ALL content on Denis’s website is copyrighted to Denis or the SSU UK/World. Copying is strictly prohibited. If you would like to use any material from the Karate websites, just ask me rather than just taking it. Any photographs of past masters, say Kenwa Mabuni - for instance - are used with respect, as trying to find who owns these images is practically impossible. All other artwork, myself and Denis have created ourselves.

If you would like to use any of the SSU Official Logos, I can supply them for use on your own merchandise, posters etc.


We can be contacted at;

Denis Casey:
Chris Denny:


Many Thanks
Denis & Chris


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18th Sept 2017: - ** ANNOUNCEMENT UPDATE **

Denis Casey Sensei has now booked his Hotel for the Japan trip in 2018.

The name of the hotel is the APA HOTEL, KOBE, in SANNOMIYA.

The cheapest way to book your is through Trivago.

So, if you are going to Japan this time you will need to book it ASAP before it becomes full.

Please DO NOT delay and get your hotel booked to avoid disappointment.


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18th July 2017: - ** ANNOUNCEMENT UPDATE **

Yamada Gishinkan Cup 2018 (Amagasaki City).


Please note there is a change in the dates for the above event.

They are now as follows:

** - Fly out from UK – Sunday 18th March.

** - Return to UK – Friday 1st April (arriving back in the UK at 06:50 Monday 2nd April).

Denis Casey Sensei has now booked his flights.

Anyone wishing to know the exact details should contact Sensei Casey directly (07776 290609 –


Further, there are some itinerary details below;

 - Wednesday March 21st Seminar 09:00 - 17:00

 - Thursday March 22nd Seminar 09:00 - 17:00

 - Friday March 23rd Seminar for instructors only.

 - Saturday March 24th  Seminar 09:00 - 15:00 for instructors only. Dinner party 18:00 - 21:00

 - Sunday 25th March, Yamada-ha Shito-ryu Shukokai Karate-do World Cup / Gishinkan, 08:00 - 17:00.


For enquiries please contact Denis Casey Sensei.

Many Thanks



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11th July 2017: - ** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT **

Yamada Gishinkan Cup 2018 (Amagasaki City).

These prestigious visits to our Japanese Headquarters are a once-in-lifetime occasion and each year they grow bigger and better. It is a chance for us in the UK to train with Yamada Haruyoshi Sensei (10th Dan) and many other high ranking Japanese Sensei’s across several days and then having the honour to compete in the Gishinkan Yamada Cup that it hosted at this event.

There is even a chance to join Yamada Sensei for the arrival dinner and the Sayonara Dinner. It is at times like this when the top Sensei’s of our association become accessible. It is truly a very worthwhile and fulfilling experience. Many past attendees have talked a lot about the many friends they made at this event from other member countries. We are all part of a huge world wide Karate family.

** Please note **

This event always takes a great deal of organisation both here and in Japan. So, anyone thinking of going MUST contact Denis Casey Sensei in the first instance ASAP of possible numbers, including attendees such as partners & parents etc.

Furthermore, because of the difficulty of organising this trip, can EVERYBODY please try and stick to the schedule set out. It has taken time and effort to arrange the best plan for all involved.

Flights generally only go up in cost, as soon as there is information about flights, there will be details here.

** - Fly out from UK – Sunday 25th March 2018

** - Return to UK – Friday 6th April 2018

** - Approximate cost of flights - £700

There will a full itinerary in due course and further details as they are released. Please make your interest known ASAP to Denis Casey Sensei.

Many Thanks

Click here to go to Altrincham Karate Academy website for some photos of past visits.


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29th May 2017: - ** IMPORTANT NOTICE **

Kamohara Farewell Seminar in France

Kamohara Sensei is returning to Japan in August this year and there is a farewell seminar and celebration organized for Friday 30th June until Sunday 2nd July.

This will take place at the Château des Vaux (St-Maurice St-Germain) in France.

If anyone would like to go to this prestigious event must contact Denis Casey Sensei ASAP.

Programme (Seminar at Château des Vaux(St-Maurice St -Germain) in France):

Friday 30th June

18:30  - Welcome Dinner

Saturday  1st July

09:30 - 1200
- Warming up
- Shukokai  Kihon
- Kata: Nipai, Unshu  & Seipai (from 1st Dan)
- Sanchin ,Tensho, Naifanchi Shodan (others)

12:30 – 14:30
- Meeting & Lunch

- Kumite technique (30minutes)
- Kata: Paporen, Matsumura Bassai & Tomari Bassai  (from 1st Dan)
- Pinan 1-5, Jyuroku , Matsukaze (others)

19:30 - onwards
- Sayonara Dinner Party

Sunday 2nd July

12:30 – 14:30
- Gojyushiho,108 & Nipaipo  (from 1st Dan)
- Kihon Ippon kumite & Jiyu Ippon Kumite (Others)
- Massage & relaxation 

12:30 - Sayonara Lunch


€120.00 for accommodation, meals and seminars, or €100 for the above without seminar (partners/parents etc).


EasyJet fly to Paris Charles de Gaulle for £133 return from Manchester (Friday-Sunday), or its approx. a 9 hour drive from the UK!

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14th May 2017: - Dan Grading

Big congratulations go to all that successfully passed their Dan grade today, a lot of hard work had paid off today.

- 4th Dan (Yondan):-
Helen Lomax, Garry Smith.

- 3rd Dan (Sandan):-
Sana Niazi.

- 2nd Dan Cadet (Nidan):-
Khadeejah Choudhury, Ya-Seen Choudhury.

- 1st Dan Cadet (Shodan):-
Daniel Woodthorpe, Benjamin Clapham, Harvey Payne, Aaliyah Mahmood & Ibrahim Mahmood.

- 1st Dan (Shodan):-
Steven Brereton.

Very well done all.

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11th December 2016: - Dan Grading

Big congratulations go to all that successfully passed their Dan grade today, a lot of hard work had paid off today. Very well done.

- 3rd Dan (Sandan):-
Jackie Barnard & Stephen Church.

- 2nd Dan (Nidan):-
Becky Hartshorn, Grant Pullen & Freddie Hyde.

- 1st Dan (Shodan):-
Geneva Henson, Charles Brown, Daniel Gray, Rithvik Gongloor, Hong Xu Ni, Tracy Hartshorn, Maryam Atti, Linda Wilson, Andrew Nichols, Dylan Williams, Ingo Schiessl, George Lee, Andrew Papworth & Jack Cummings .

For more photos from the Dan grading, jump over to the official website Gallery page of The Altrincham Karate Academy

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10th August 2016: - Sensei Denis Casey Wales Course - 13th NOVEMBER 2016

A new course added to the calendar, Sensei Denis Casey Wales course, Sunday 13th November at Aberconwy Secondary School, Conwy. LL32 8EF.

11am-1pm kids under 12years, £10
11am-3pm, kids 12 years+ and adults, £15

Qualifies as a course towards Dan grading. Open to all members not just Welsh students. For more details to contact Andy Plumb.

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2nd July 2016: - Sensei Eric Tomlinson

It is with a heavy heart that the SSU UK has to announce that Sensei Eric Tomlinson (Chief Instructor SSU USA) has sadly passed away this morning. He was 68 and succumbed to kidney failure. Below are some words from Sensei Denis Casey.

“I have known Eric for over 40 years, first as a team mate on the SHUKOKAI KARATE ENGLAND TEAM, travelling around Europe competing having a good laugh and lots of adventures, then as colleagues teaching at the same Dojo in Middleton in Manchester.

I lost touch with Eric for almost 20 years, then one day out of the blue he phoned me up from AMERICA. His first words were, "Hello Denis it’s me Eric", I didn't have to ask Eric who? He never lost his accent, "Eric, where the hell have you been?", he then went on to tell me he was living and working in America, and all about his life there.

It didn't take long before the conversation turned to Karate and in particular the sad loss of Kimura sensei, this had a big effect on him and he was beginning to lose his enthusiasm for Karate because of the political situation within Kimura Shukokai.

He asked me what I was doing now. I informed him that I had gone back to my roots, and had travelled to Japan to train under the head of SHUKOKAI, Yamada Haruyoshi sensei, and had now formed the SSKU in England. (1998).

This seemed to light a spark with Eric, he wanted to know all about it and we soon started to discuss about how he could go about joining. He invited me over to the states to teach on some seminars over there and explain all about THE SHITO-RYU SHUKOKAI UNION to his students.

He met me at St Louis airport, we recognised each other straight away, it went from a hand shake to hugs and kisses (man kisses) in no time. He then informed me that he was still working and if I would mind if he made a drop off on the way back home,
He asked to wait outside and he would drive round and pick me up, I couldn't believe my eyes when the biggest petrol tanker I had ever seen pulled up and out popped Eric's head," Jump in Den", oh yes he was a character!!!!! And he never changed.

We arrived back at his place at about 10 pm, I was absolutely shattered with all the traveling but he managed to ply me with drink and keep me up until 7am, talking Karate and reminiscing about the old days. That was just the start of it!!!!!!

We travelled across America from east coast to west teaching, meeting with lots of other Karateka, and lots more late nights.

Eric became the chief instructor for the USA, and was instrumental in introducing other members from around the world to the SSU.


His Legacy will live on through them.

His love of Shukokai Karate never diminished, we spent many a long night through to the early hours of the morning discussing technique, reminiscing and having a good laugh, whenever we met up, in England, Japan, The Philippines etc etc.

The Shito-Ryu Shukokai Union has lost a good member and the members of the Union have lost a good friend, I am proud to count myself amongst them.

God bless you Eric RIP.”

 - Denis Casey


We at SSU UK would like to offer our sincere condolences to Eric’s family and friends and our thoughts are with them.

SSU UK Executive Commitee


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