All Kata relevant to your grading must be practiced continuously and perfected.
6th Dan and above Advanced Kata
5th Dan Katas GOJUSHIO
8th Kyu (Yellow) Katas JU NI NO KATA (H KATA)
4th Dan Katas ROHAI
3rd Dan Katas NISEISHI
2nd Dan Katas ANNANKO
1st Dan Katas PINAN KATA 1-5 YSSKU UK Official Katas
- - Kyu Grades - -
2nd Kyu (Brown II) Katas PINAN KATAS 1-5
6th Kyu (Green) Kata PINAN SHODAN
7th Kyu (Orange) Kata PINAN NIDAN
5th Kyu (Blue) Kata PINAN SANDAN
4th Kyu (Purple) Katas PINAN YONDAN
3rd Kyu (Brown I) Katas PINAN KATAS 1-5
1st Kyu (Brown III) Katas MATSUKAZE YSSKU UK Katas KATA (FORM) "The core of Karate" The true meaning and spirit of Karate are embedded in the kata, and only by constant practice of kata can we come to understand them. The primary purpose of kata is to teach one how to fight. Deciphering the kata is Bunkai, which enables the student to take moves out of the kata, interpret them and use them as a fighting technique. Often these techniques are not obvious and require thorough analysis, which makes practicing bunkai crucial to one's training in Karate. YSSKU UK Official Katas
- - Dan Grades - - All Katas relevant to your grading must be practiced continuously and perfected.